Music create: VST инструменты | Эффекты | Сэмплы » Сэмплы » Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica (WAV) - сэмплы Electronic, IDM
Ни для кого не секрет, что создание современной электронной музыки невозможно без использования сэмплов. СЭМПЛЫ представляют собой звуки, которые записываются, как правило, при игре каких-либо музыкальных инструментов или синтезаторов, а затем обрабатываются на компьютере. Качество сэмпла во многом зависит от записывающих устройств (микрофонов), от окружающей среды (обычно запись ведется в специальных звукозаписывающих студиях), от передающего, принимающего оборудования, а также от конечной оцифровки сэмпла. Скачать сэмплы для fl studio Вы также можете у нас.

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  • Просмотров: 1 143
  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 22-04-2019, 21:03
22-04-2019, 21:03

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica (WAV) - сэмплы Electronic, IDM

Категория: Сэмплы

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica (WAV) - сэмплы Electronic, IDM

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica - эксклюзивная библиотека лучших сэмплов, представленных вам признанным критиком продюсером OWSLA Phonat. Имея более 800 МБ разнообразного аудио, чтобы погрузиться в себя, этот пакет является обязательным для увлеченных продюсеров всех уровней квалификации и вкусов.

Start by diving into the Music Loops folder. Including 23 angular, digital bass loops, all labelled with key and bpm for a seamless workflow. The ideal accompaniment to these can be found in the chord loops folder. Home to 40 assorted unique and pristine chordal sounds. From resonant modular sounds to more ethereal and angelic loops, there's something in there for everyone. If you want to give your chords that extra flare, then make sure you utilise the melodic loops folder, containing 20 shimmering synth loops, a perfect top layer to any electronic production.

If you prefer to work in larger groups, then the stacked song-starter loops folder is for you, combining layers from each previous loop folder into one heavier sonic texture, ideal for establishing a base sound.

If you ever find yourself stuck for drums and percussion, then this pack is the perfect remedy. The drum one shots in this pack are incredibly diverse whilst still being widely usable. The kicks for example take on a typically punchy and warm texture, but stretch left of field for those looking for something truly unique. The same can be said for the percs and tops, combining real life one shots with more synthetic audio, making for a unique percussive collection. The snares stick strongly to this trend, with some accommodating interesting tails and others remaining short and punchy, perfect for all types of electronic music.

A great way to source inspiration for any producer is always through browsing pre-made loops. Our folder of assorted drum loops will give you all the inspiration you need. Each loop is home to its own set of individual attributes, including metallic overtones and spaced out grooves. As is standard with all of our packs, we have included separate folders for renders of kick and snare and percs and tops for extra percussive layering.

We have also included 16 full loops, combining sounds from the previously mentioned drum / music loops folders, an ideal template for creativity, using the sonics to craft a sound of your own.

Further fine tuning can be found in the musical single hits folder. These assorted bass and synth one shots give you full control over your sound. Sticking to the unique and digital timbres associated with this pack, these sounds allow you to take a bottom up approach to your production, giving you a great starting point for a track.

Finally, bring your music up to the top level by utilising the folder of diverse SFX. Ranging from atonal foley and metallic clicks, to lush pads & digital risers, these sounds give you the potential to emulate a natural flow through well crafted transitions and layers.

Phonat Presents Organica is an extensive sample pack designed with finesse, keeping in mind producers of all skill levels, whilst retaining an off the wall character, typically associated with Phonat’s intricate sound. This pack is a must buy.

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica характеристики:

90 Drum hits
25 Drum loops (With stem bounces)
16 Full song loops
23 Bass loops
40 Chord loops
20 Melody loops
26 Song-starter loops
51 Musical one shots
22 SFX
Tempos - 56-143BPM
Download size - 1.14GB
Instant download & royalty free
All samples are key & BPM labelled for ease of use

Сайт разработчика:Origin Sound
Phonat Presents Organica (WAV)

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica (WAV) - сэмплы Electronic, IDM Turbobit:

Origin Sound Phonat Presents Organica (WAV) - сэмплы Electronic, IDM

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