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9-10-2022, 15:16

PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack v1.0.2.86394 (Team R2R) - гитарные усилители, эффекты

Категория: Эффекты от M до Z

PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack v1.0.2.86394 (Team R2R) - гитарные усилители, эффекты

PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack включает в себя три культовых усилителя и шесть эффектов stompbox — все они с любовью воссозданы с использованием моделирования пространства состояний. Вы также получаете три сопутствующих шкафа с импульсным откликом, смоделированных по образцу культовых дизайнов. Это дополнение для Ampire идеально подходит для гитаристов, ищущих звуки с высоким коэффициентом усиления и экзотические эффекты, и совместимо с Ampire третьего поколения (Studio One версии 5.1.1 или более поздней), включая автономные версии VST / AU / AAX.

Смешивайте и сочетайте усилители, кэбы и стомперы для создания звуков от грайндкора до трэша и всех массивных гитарных тембров между ними — дополнение Ampire High Density подтвердит вашу приверженность самой тяжелой музыке, которую только можно вообразить.

Metal Machine+
The backbone of contemporary metal tone, this legendary amp has defined the sound of modern metal with 120 watts of raw power across two channels. Each channel offers a 3-band EQ, plus independent resonance and presence controls. The rhythm channel offers an additional “Crunch” mode. Despite its massive power, this versatile amp is capable of a wide variety of sound, from warm hard rock tones to grim and frostbitten tremolo picking. This amp is based on a total of 10 vacuum tubes:

6x 12AX7
4x 6L6GC
The 1x12 Metal Machine cabinet is a single 12-inch, closed-back box that is the perfect match to get the signature Metal Machine+ sound.

Painapple #4
Terrifyingly high-gain, saturated tone with a simplified, single-channel architecture—suitable four six-string guitars in nine-piece bands. Featuring a 3-band EQ and four stages of high gain, it covers everything from Blues and vintage Rock tones to characteristic tones rooted in modern metal, thanks to six vacuum tubes:

3x ECC83/12AX7
1x ECC81
2x EL84
Pair it with the 2x12 Painapple cabinet, a dual 12-inch closed-back box. Orange you glad we didn’t call it banana?

Gazoline Emc2
Two channels of high-octane, high-gain genius; fuel for discerning metal connoisseurs as well as downtuned seven- and eight-string chugga-chugs. This extremely versatile amp offers a three-way mode switch that lets you move from clean to classic/vintage to heavy/modern and back. A 3-band EQ on each channel is complemented by global Presence and Deep controls to give you even more sculpting options. This heavyweight is powered by eight tubes:

6x 12AX7
2x EL34
The 4x12 Gazoline cabinet adds even more explosive power in a quadruple 12-inch closed-back box armed with front-loaded Vintage-style drivers. Shake the rafters while you wake the neighbors.

Demolition Drive
A screamer for the metal crowd and extended-range instruments. Overdrive your amp of choice while keeping the low end in check. Grab your 7- or 8-string and get noisey with more punch, bass and saturation on the Drive control. Demolition Drive is the perfect overdrive for extended low range. We’ve added a three-way selectable diode configuration for even more versatility.

This drive booster is ideal for fans of long beards and concentric circles. Add grit to your cleans or push your lead tones WAY over the top. Combined with a clean amp, Wildrive will take you on a wild ride loaded with heavy, crunchy tones and harmonics. It’s also a perfect match for our MCM 800 amp model.

Dual Comp
Compress your lows and highs independently for nuanced dynamics processing. Dual Comp’s unusual design includes overlapping frequencies and independent controls for the amount of compression. There’s no attack control, instead the Dual Comp has fixed fast attack on the high band and a slower attack on the lows. There’s even a separate bypass for the highs, so only low frequencies are compressed. It’s no wonder its hard-to-find hardware inspiration is coveted by tweaky bassists.

Space Reverb
This doesn’t sound like any real reverb… or space, for that matter. More like a synthetic swarm of crystalline squarewave cicadas. Space Reverb’s uniquely characteristic shimmer is equally at home in guitar rigs and ambient synth setups because of its ability to produce huge reverb tails with a keyboard-like pad texture. The Shimmer control adds a famously heavenly shine, one octave above the input pitch. Beware: at any setting, Space Reverb is everything but subtle.

Pitch Shifter
Pitch-shift your performance for radical divebombs or sky-high dog whistle tones. Covers a range of +/- two octaves, Morello or less. Pitch Shifter is uniquely capable of producing dramatic “dive bomb” effects, electrifying pitch-bends and stimulating harmony shifts. The Pitch Shifter pedal controls pitch while the single rotary knob selects any of the 16 available presets: five pitch-bend presets, nine harmony effects, and two detune effects.

Blue EQ
Surgical tone-sculpting isn’t just for Carcass fans. Notch out troublesome frequencies or boost your favorites. With +/- 12 dB across a 10-band graphic EQ covering the full spectrum, Blue EQ is the perfect tool to fight feedback and balance your tone.

A witch says,

Contents can be installed to only R2R PreSonus release.

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Размер:21 MB
Ampire High Density Pack v1.0.2.86394 (Team R2R)

PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack v1.0.2.86394 (Team R2R) - гитарные усилители, эффектыTurbobit

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