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  • Просмотров: 8 191
  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 16-11-2022, 06:17
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Причина: обновлено до версии Supercharger GT v1.4.4 (Team R2R)
16-11-2022, 06:17

Native Instruments Supercharger GT v1.4.4 (Team R2R) - плагин компрессор

Категория: Эффекты от M до Z

Native Instruments - Supercharger v1.1.0 (Team R2R) - плагин компрессор

Native Instruments - Supercharger GT - это компрессор, вдохновленный богатым звуком, приводимым в действие трубкой, от аппаратного блока бутик. Многофункциональное продолжение компрессора нагнетателя, выпущенного в декабре 2013 года, Supercharger GT выходит за рамки современного сжатия труб, добавляя специальные режимы насыщения и характера и дополнительные элементы управления для полной настройки звука.

Supercharger GT was designed for simple yet comprehensive sound shaping. Producers can quickly dial in a wide range of compression effects using a single 'Compress' knob. The effect's automatic make-up gain allows them to stay focused on the sound of the effect without having to compensate for the drop in volume compression can sometimes cause. Pre-set Attack and Release settings provide a starting point for setting Supercharger GT's response to incoming signals – producers can start with Punch, Gentle, and Slam modes. Dedicated Attack and Release controls allow an additional degree of fine-tuning.

Aside from compression, Supercharger GT also delivers a set of tone-shaping controls that make it more than just a compressor effect. A 'Saturation' knob with Mild, Crisp, and Slam saturation types give users three ways to add harmonic content to their tracks. At lower settings, Supercharger GT offers subtle harmonic enhancement. At more extreme settings it delivers raw, distorted coloration. The 'Character' knob can fill in missing low end and smooth out unruly high frequencies with Fat, Warm, and Aggressive character modes adding to its versatility. Furthermore, a mid/side mode lets producers create space in a mix by applying the effect only to the left and right sides of a signal – perfect for adjusting stereo imaging. A detector high pass prevents unruly low end signals from mis-triggering the compressor. Combined, these features provide producers dynamic control, warmth, and sonic shaping in one convenient plug-in.

Сайт разработчика:Native Instruments
Размер:61 MB
Supercharger GT v1.4.4 (Team R2R)

Native Instruments Supercharger GT v1.4.4 (Team R2R) - плагин компрессорTurbobit

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