Music create: VST инструменты | Эффекты | Сэмплы » Сэмплы » Impact Soundworks KORON Traditional Instruments of Iran (WAV KONTAKT) - звуки иранских инструментов
Ни для кого не секрет, что создание современной электронной музыки невозможно без использования сэмплов. СЭМПЛЫ представляют собой звуки, которые записываются, как правило, при игре каких-либо музыкальных инструментов или синтезаторов, а затем обрабатываются на компьютере. Качество сэмпла во многом зависит от записывающих устройств (микрофонов), от окружающей среды (обычно запись ведется в специальных звукозаписывающих студиях), от передающего, принимающего оборудования, а также от конечной оцифровки сэмпла. Скачать сэмплы для fl studio Вы также можете у нас.

Информация к новости
  • Просмотров: 2 810
  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 22-03-2017, 12:19
22-03-2017, 12:19

Impact Soundworks KORON Traditional Instruments of Iran (WAV KONTAKT) - звуки иранских инструментов

Категория: Сэмплы / Kontakt

Impact Soundworks KORON Traditional Instruments of Iran (WAV KONTAKT) - звуки иранских инструментов

Impact Soundworks KORON Traditional Instruments of Iran - невероятно аутентичная коллекция из 10 традиционных иранских инструментов. Имея более 17 000 сэмплов, более 1200 выступлений, а также новейшие инструменты для редактирования, воспроизведения и настройки, это самая большая в мире библиотека инструментальных инструментов Impact Soundwork; Идеально подходит для реалистичной ближневосточной музыки, кинематографических партитур, мирового синтеза и многого другого.


Over 17,000+ 24-bit samples
5 melodic and 5 percusive instruments
Kamanche, tar, tanbour, setar, santoor
Bendir, daf, kuzeh, tonbak, zarbe
Over 1,200 instrument performances
Key playing techniques including legato
Multiple RR and dynamics for all sounds
2 unique mic positions


Beautiful UI for easy tweaking and playing
"Info" tab for details on each instrument
Per-articulation ADSR edits
Master drum patch: all-in-one
Performance phrase editor
Total Articulation Control Technology
One-click FX (analog EQ, compressor, delay, reverb)



"Koron" is a traditional Iranian musical term that refers to notes a quarter-step lower in pitch. Using these quarter tone intervals is a distinguishing feature of Iranian and other Eastern traditional music. This sample library pays tribute to that concept, and is designed to capture the essence of Iran’s rich musical forms and history, while also breaking the barriers between Eastern and Western music by giving composers new timbres and a new way to view music.

Koron began as the idea of Siavash Mozaffari, who raised funds for a ‘sonic journey’ to Iran. Sia´s goal was to share the sounds of Iran’s traditional instruments by turning them into virtual tools for any composer to use. Impact Soundworks loved this idea and connected with Sia to expand the scope and depth of the project.

Over 2 years later, the collaboration has resulted in one of the deepest world instrument libraries ever released. Koron includes 10 instruments – 5 melodic, 5 percussive – with over 17,000 samples in total. Find both deep multisamples, including multiple dynamics, round robins, and legato transitions, as well as extensive percussive hits and techniques, plus over 1,200 performances and phrases.

Besides this staggering pool of samples, the Kontakt patches have been designed with the latest script techniques such as Total Articulation Control Technology (TACT) for custom mapping, and phrase editing right within Kontakt itself. Together with Sia, we’ve also included pictures and information about every instrument recorded, so you can learn more about their construction, history, and playing style.

One of our core goals at Impact Soundworks is to sample and develop virtual instruments outside the standard Western repertoire, and Koron is the most extensive fulfillment of that goal yet. We hope you will enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed creating it, and look forward to hearing what you write!

Сайт разработчика: Impact Soundworks
Размер: 12.89 Гб

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