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  • Просмотров: 1 506
  • Автор: agressi
  • Дата: 22-01-2018, 10:59
22-01-2018, 10:59

!llmind BLAP KIT Volume 10 (WAV) - сэмплы ударных

Категория: Сэмплы

 !llmind BLAP KIT Volume 10

!llmind BLAP KIT Volume 10 - прежде всего, я просто хочу сказать, что я так смирен и горд, что зашел так далеко. Когда я выпустил Blap-Kit Том 1 на моем старом блоге с помощью кнопки «PayPal Now», я понятия не имел, чего ожидать. В то время действительно не было рынка барабанного набора, который существовал. Ни один из музыкальных продюсеров на моем уровне не выпускал свои персональные барабанные наборы. Все держали их для себя. Теперь мы пришли к VOLUME X (10).

First of all, I just want to say that I'm so humbled and proud to have come this far. When I released Blap-Kit Volume 1 on my old blog site using a 'PayPal Now' button, I had no idea what to expect. At that time, there really was no drum-kit market that existed. None of the music producers on my level were releasing their personal drum kits. Everyone was keeping them for themselves. Now, we've arrive at VOLUME X (10).

What a time to be alive! This kit is by far my favorite (I know I say that every single time). Again, almost 250 one-shots in this one (almost 40% more than most of my previous drum kits). I carefully handcrafted each and every kit, this time mic'ing up different snare drums at multiple distances, combining them with some manipulated traditional drum machine sounds. The difference here is that I utilized multi-band splitting to mix and match every sound, along with some hardcore eq'ing and stretching + reverb to create some interesting textures. So here you get a combination of digital & organic, combined into one. Every snare on here is snappy as f*ck. There's some live and snappy claps, as well as some of my favorite recorded percussion, meant to be stacked and layered as you please. The hi-hats in this set are real and live, yet still have that punchy digital character that we love. This kit was meticulous. It's very relevant, and will be for years to come. This kit alone will easily be your GO-TO set, regardless of what genre you're trying to pursue!" - !llmind

Over 240 NEW drum sounds (kicks, snares, hi-hats, claps, various percussion, sound effects + more) in 16-bit/44 WAV format.
74 SNARES! More than any other Blap-Kit.
Compatible with ALL DAW systems (Logic, Reason, Ableton, FL Studio, Protools, etc)
Vintage Reverb Machines Used: AMS RMX16, L480 & Baldwin Amp.
All drum sounds were sampled into an Ensoniq ASR-10 AND Akai S-20 at 33khz/12-bit for maximum warmth + punch!
All drum sounds carefully multi-layered & molded by !llmind to create truly, never before heard drums. Guaranteed.
NO saturation/flat “pancake” sounds.
Carefully mastered just “under-zero”. NO nasty “digital-clipping”.
All drum sounds were hand-picked, created, and stripped by !llmind himself from his personal drum stash.
ALL sounds are completely royalty-free!

Сайт разработчика:!llmind
Размер:26,11 MB
BLAP KIT Volume 10 (WAV)

!llmind BLAP KIT Volume 10 (WAV) - сэмплы  ударных Turbobit

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