Music create: VST инструменты | Эффекты | Сэмплы » Сэмплы » Boom Library Mutate Organic Designed (WAV) - сэмплы звуков трансформации мутантов, тварей
Ни для кого не секрет, что создание современной электронной музыки невозможно без использования сэмплов. СЭМПЛЫ представляют собой звуки, которые записываются, как правило, при игре каких-либо музыкальных инструментов или синтезаторов, а затем обрабатываются на компьютере. Качество сэмпла во многом зависит от записывающих устройств (микрофонов), от окружающей среды (обычно запись ведется в специальных звукозаписывающих студиях), от передающего, принимающего оборудования, а также от конечной оцифровки сэмпла. Скачать сэмплы для fl studio Вы также можете у нас.

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  • Просмотров: 424
  • Автор: agressi
  • Дата: 24-01-2021, 13:59
24-01-2021, 13:59

Boom Library Mutate Organic Designed (WAV) - сэмплы звуков трансформации мутантов, тварей

Категория: Сэмплы

Boom Library Mutate Organic Designed

BOOM Library: MUTATE ORGANIC - восхитительно ненормальная коллекция мутирующих и трансформирующихся форм жизни и бродячих органических веществ. Откройте для себя полный спектр размеров, влажности и мучительных движений, которые эта библиотека предоставляет в своей готовой к использованию коллекции Designed.

BOOM Library’s newest sound effects outgrowth has surfaced: MUTATE ORGANIC, the deliciously abnormal collection of mutating and morphing lifeforms and rogue organic matter. Discover the full spectrum of size, dampness and gut-wrenching movement this library provides in its ready-to-use Designed collection.

MUTATE ORGANIC brilliantly captures the sound of life-size organs twisting, growing, morphing and developing in real-time. Be prepared for a truly horrifying look at what happens under the skin.

Design any lifeform’s movement to the highest detail with meticulously recorded and crafted sounds across the frequency spectrum.

No BOOM Library is complete without its beefy, impactful pinnacle effects that shake your speakers. Discover the bold attack sounds, whooshes, impacts, disintegrations and more!

The Designed package offers a rich selection of ready-to-use mutation sounds, perfect for any kind of video production and designing to motion picture.

It’s also perfect to kickstart your own designs. Each sound file comes with multiple variations, so editing, layering and combining your own sound assets is also possible and very satisfying.

The fleshy detail of the Construction Kit with an intimidating low-end and maximum dynamic impact make this Designed collection a force to be reckoned with.

Capturing the essence of fictional sounds is always a challenge.
The sounds we want to depict only exist in our heads until we find just the right things to record in the right way or create from scratch using synthesizers. Sometimes unexpected things happen, which can only be found through experimentation.

It is all the more pleasing when listening back to our finished sounds and seeing them come alive before our inner eyes.

MUTATE ORGANIC nails the sounds we set out to achieve, but can be used for so much more, due to many of its abstract elements. As a result for us, and hopefully for you too, it will tag along as a faithful companion for many sound design projects to come.

BOOM Library sound FX come as WAV files, meaning you can import and work with them in any software that can handle this file type. Here are the most common audio and video editing software tools that work perfectly with our sound FX.

To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain extensive metadata like file description & keywords to quickly find the sounds you’re looking for. Metadata can be read and processed by audio management tools. Some digital audio workstations feature an included search tool that can also read embedded metadata.

Сайт разработчика: Boom Library
Размер: 1,66 GB
Mutate Organic Designed (WAV)

Boom Library Mutate Organic Designed (WAV) - сэмплы звуков трансформации мутантов, тварейTurbobit


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