Ни для кого не секрет, что создание современной электронной музыки невозможно без использования сэмплов. СЭМПЛЫ представляют собой звуки, которые записываются, как правило, при игре каких-либо музыкальных инструментов или синтезаторов, а затем обрабатываются на компьютере. Качество сэмпла во многом зависит от записывающих устройств (микрофонов), от окружающей среды (обычно запись ведется в специальных звукозаписывающих студиях), от передающего, принимающего оборудования, а также от конечной оцифровки сэмпла. Скачать сэмплы для fl studio Вы также можете у нас.

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  • Просмотров: 525
  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 18-12-2022, 08:59
18-12-2022, 08:59

Oversampled POLYCHROME (WAV)

Категория: Сэмплы

Oversampled POLYCHROME (WAV)

Oversampled POLYCHROME - наполненный красочными, мерцающими звуками, этот набор позволит вам глубоко погрузиться в жанр color bass и создавать хитовые песни без особых усилий.

Мы проанализировали наиболее популярных продюсеров color bass, таких как Ace Aura, Chime, Virtual Riot, Sharks и другие, чтобы создать идеальный пакет со всеми наиболее полезными и необходимыми звуками для этого жанра.

We've spent a lot of time tweaking tiny details and making hard design decisions to deliver you the highest quality product possible.


One of the most important elements that give power to a color bass track are punchy and rich drums. We particularly focused on these ones, because well constructed drums are necessary to make your track flow and hit hard. We put every single type of drum to allow you to have what's necessary to make hard hitting & expressive drum sections. We included pre-made build-up drums for instant hype building, top loops that will make creating drums an easy process, flowing amen breaks and drum fills.

Melodic content

What makes color bass stand out amongst other EDM genres is its specific style of sound design. Huge stacks of synth basses with candy like lows layered with glimmery, spacious tonal elements, all creating a powerful color bass sound. We've included elements so that constructing your own, unique basses like that will be an easy and enjoyable process. Something new that we've tried for our packs are "tonality loops", those add that melodic content to your sound, even if it's completely missing. There's a lot of one-shots so that creating impact and adding personality is as easy as drag-and-drop.

Sound Effects

To enhance your sounds within the track, to add excitement, aliveness to it and to glue the elements and sections together, using sound effects is a no-brainer. Fallers, risers, sweeps, transitions, impacts and reverses will allow you to create exciting and smooth transitions. FX shots will help you add important details to your track. Ambiences will add character, by creating context. And ear candies will add that sweet, sparkly layer to fill in those empty gaps in your song, so it doesn't lack anything.

Powerful sound

We've used the highest quality listening gear to be able to hear the sound in as detailed form as possible. This allowed us to have the ability to tweak the tiniest characteristics of the sound. All individual harmonic frequencies have been placed intentionally giving you rich & crisp sounds. While sound designing we've used the analog gear, since it is one of the cleanest sources of the audio signal, combined with the digital processing it gave us the sounds of the top industry quality.

Attention to detail

Our team of sound designers have been professionally trained to analyse genres & generate sounds of the super high accuracy. This pack will not only make you fit into the genre, but will also make you stand out, because of the crisp, detailed & improved form of the sound.

Samples: 490 Sounds
Format: WAV

Сайт разработчика:Oversampled
Размер:355 MB

Oversampled POLYCHROME (WAV)Turbobit

Метки к статье: сэмплы Bass House, сэмплы Dubstep

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