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  • Просмотров: 299
  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 29-05-2023, 18:36
29-05-2023, 18:36

Boom Library Cannons Designed (WAV)

Категория: Сэмплы

Boom Library Cannons Designed (WAV)

Boom Library Cannons Designed - эта канонада из 15 различных пушек является самой полной библиотекой пушек, когда-либо выпущенных на рынок. Высококачественные 26-канальные записи бомбард, разрушающих крепости, мортир с высоким углом наклона, 16-фунтовых снарядов для фрегатов и многого другого - эти пушечные выстрелы, удары и пролеты являются незаменимыми компонентами любого звукового оформления для любого фильма или игровой последовательности действий, действие которых разворачивается в период от позднего средневековья до раннего нового времени. Не только для пушечных выстрелов, они также могут быть использованы для придания звуковому оформлению трейлера и общим взрывам гораздо более сильного эффекта.

Whether needing carronades or 16-pounders for your British naval vessels hunting pirates, bombards to take out castle fortifications, or culverins to unleash an inferno against oncoming troops, this library has got it. We’ve gone further with the Designed pack to make sure that each sound is polished and ready to use.

Using the 26 channels and sound effects from the Construction Kit, we’ve designed for your immediate use 5 sets of 15 cannons with 6 variations each. Including:

Distant: The sound of cannons blasting somewhere in the distance through the smoke.
Mechanic: Cannons move and rock a lot when they go off – these include all that extra motion and are truest to the full sound of the cannon’s action.
Modern: Processed to be more in-your-face than realistic, perfect for trailers and experimental uses.
Loud: Designed with an extra boost of volume.
Soft: For when you need dialogue over the cannons.

Our Designed sounds are always crafted with true drag-and-drop use in mind. Each of the 5 sets of cannon blasts should be more than enough for your production requirements, without you having to worry about any extra sound design. Combined with the Construction Kit to add the impacts, you will be fully locked and loaded for any cannon battle.

Creating such an extensive library of cannons is no easy thing. Accurate-to-the-era replicas had to be found, along with spaces that allowed the intense work that we needed to do. Luckily, the locations we found – a military base and an archery range – provided the perfect environment for our recording needs, creating the right reverb tails for any cannons featured in quality productions.

Cannons included:

This cannon library stands alone as the most extensive of its kind. There are no other libraries out there that come loaded with such a long list of cannons, mechanical sounds, flybys, and impacts. All cannon blasts were made using accurate replicas – a necessity, since using original-period pieces would mean warped steel or other flaws leading to an inaccurate sound. Using replicas, the blasts sound just like they would have during their use.

Boom Library Cannons Designed WAV screenshot26-CHANNEL MULTITRACK
We used a 26-channel microphone system to record CANNONS. This wide placement allows you to put the point of view almost anywhere in relation to the firing cannon. The 26 distinct channels are only available in the Construction Kit. In the Designed edition, we used various combinations of the 26-channel array to craft ready-to-use sounds in a variety of styles.

With so many available channels in your DAW, you can blend the various microphones to get the precise effect you’re looking for. For example: Do you need a more mechanical sound? Simply boost the mic’s recording the mechanical aspects. Need something with more distance? The Sennheiser AMBEO VR Mic captured the sound from 100 meters away. With this set up, you have unlimited sonic possibilities.

This BOOM Library of creature sounds comes as WAV files, meaning you can import and work with them in any software that can handle this file type.

To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain extensive metadata like file description & keywords to quickly find the sounds you’re looking for. Metadata can be read and processed by audio management tools.

Сайт разработчика:Boom Library
Размер:866 MB
Cannons Designed (WAV)

Boom Library Cannons Designed (WAV)Turbobit

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