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  • Автор: Rocki
  • Дата: 14-10-2018, 18:41
14-10-2018, 18:41

Arturia B-3 V v1.3.1.1782 CSE (Team V.R) - электроорган

Категория: VST инструменты От A до D

Arturia B-3 V v1.3.1.1782 CSE (Team V.R) - электронный орган

Arturia B-3 V обеспечивает самый аутентичный орган Хаммонд, монарх электронных органов, богато звучащий B3 был одним из основных элементов jazz, gospel, rock, reggae и R&B - не говоря уже о профессиональных студиях повсюду - более полувека. Его электромагнитная конструкция с тонировкой дала ему более мягкое качество, которое не было обнаружено на более поздних транзисторных органах. Наша верная дань включает в себя аутентичный ротационный громкоговоритель и массив точечных коробок, а также вдохновляющие обновления, такие как мод аналоговых схем и модуляция дышла для новых анимированных и синкопированных эффектов.

Majestic sound

The B-3 V gives you the sound of undisputed organ royalty—roadies not required.
No other organ captured the hearts of keyboardists, spanning so many genres and years. It had the subtlety for jazz at the hands of artists like Jimmy Smith, Joey Defrancesco and John Medeski. It had the grace for gospel, as demonstrated by Elbernita “Twinkie” Clark and Cory Henry. It had the energy to drive the reggae behind the likes of Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff, and the soul of James Brown and Sly Stone. Most visibly, it had the raw power to hold its own in a rock world as diverse as ELP, Santana, Yes, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, The Allman Brothers, and Blood, Sweet and Tears.

Whether you’re playing solo, in a group, or in a mix, Arturia’s B-3 V lets you cover the organ parts for any genre using the sound and feel of the real thing.

Unmatched authenticity

Even if you already have a virtual tonewheel organ…
you owe it to yourself to try the B-3 V.

There are organs and there are B3s. Then there are B3 emulations and Arturia’s B-3 V. Where most other attempts are based on samples that only capture some of the qualities, we created the B-3V using the same critically acclaimed modeling technology that distinguishes our entire V Collection of classic instruments. We put that same attention to detail into the included rotary speaker as well.

When you can have the best, why settle for anything less?

Even better with age

The B-3 V improves on a classic, with everything you need in an organ rig and more built right in.
Rotary speakers have become an essential part of the tonewheel organ sound, so we’ve naturally included one. Why stop there? We’ve added lots of other options including multiple reverbs, an array of effects pedals, and even the ability to modify previously fixed analog circuit features like key click. Our most radical enhancement is the addition of a modulation section to automate the movement of drawbars using envelopes, LFOs and step sequencers, letting you infuse your music with new animated textures.

With its combination of faithful realism and new mods, the B-3 V has you covered whether you’re playing standards, rocking classics or pioneering new musical ground.

V 1.3.1

New Features
KeyLab MK2 Integration
Clicking on the preset browser "Clear All" button now scrolls back the result list to its top

Reworked preset leveling and consistency

User MIDI configuration is now properly recalled when loaded from an external file
Fixed an issue where you had to click twice on the empty MIDI configuration to properly select it
Default MIDI configuration is now properly working
No more white flash when resizing our instruments inside macOS applications in AU
Various Komplete Kontrol / Maschine improvement
No more crash when a "Song Select" message is received
No more cracks and glitches appearing when modifying effects dry/wet parameters
User preset saving feature is now working properly
No more duplicated presets
Live 10 doesn't crash anymore when browsing preset from AU version
Resizing the plugin window don't open the export bank popup for some users anymore
No more crash when switching instruments on a track in FL Studio on macOS

Сайт разработчика:Arturia
Размер:148,21 MB
B-3 V v1.3.1.1782 CSE (Team V.R)

Arturia B-3 V v1.3.1.1782 CSE (Team V.R) - электроорган Turbobit

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